Even though you can see through your open bedroom window that it is a beautiful morning: the sky is a vivid blue, the air crisp and inviting as bird song fills the air. You struggle to get out of bed. Your body feels somewhat stiff, as you long for a few more minutes of sleep.
If only we had the strength and energy as portrayed to be possessed by fictional super-heroes. Such attributes would certainly enable us to manage our daily tasks much more easily: no more clumsy juggling or dropping a few items from the to-do list because our tired state of body and mind just could not keep up. What if there was a better way to live? What if we could be a super-hero in our own right, full of energy, and joyful?
Sadhguru explains how we can be not only energetic and strong, but also joyful and clear-minded. As Sadhguru has said, “This is not about being super human – this is about realizing that being human is super.”