The type of clothing one wears can make a big difference when it comes to their overall comfort and wellbeing.
Sadhguru speaks about the importance of wearing more organic clothing for this reason – both for physical comfort, and because it can be healthier for a person to wear in many ways.
This is especially true for children. The data shows that an estimated 800 million pounds of pesticides in the US will be used in cotton this year. Some of these pesticides are harmful to humans, yet still used in cotton fields in many countries, including the US. This material, if absorbed through the skin, can create problems over time. An infant’s skin is more permeable than adult skin, which makes it all the more important that children wear the proper type of clothing. Substances that come in contact with a child’s skin can more easily penetrate into their skin layers.
Outside of the physical benefits, organic clothing can also be more comfortable to wear, especially in tropical climates. It can create a greater sense of ease in a person as he or she moves about throughout the day.
Think about the clothes you wear every single day. How did you choose those clothes? Was it based on what you liked, what was comfortable to you, or what impressed other people? Was it truly your decision, or a decision that you took because you thought a certain style would get you compliments?
In this video below, Sadhguru talks with Indian fashion designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee on a live stream. He shares more about his thoughts on fashion, how it can affect us, and how we should think about choosing what clothes we wear and what clothes we choose not to wear.