When youth today are considering which path to follow in terms of career and goal-setting, there seem to be a cacophony of voices leading the charge. But it is very important to consider ways to approach this decision in order to make it authentic and sustainable for an individual and to make it something to which one truly wants to remain committed over a lifetime.
In this video, Sadhguru stresses the importance of setting major life goals without external influences, and why it can be so valuable for youth to withdraw for a period of time before making such decisions.
Otherwise, often what we think we want can land up being distorted by the various expectations, and sometimes the goal not coming true is the blessing!
Sadhguru also highlights the importance of setting goals that can become vehicles for expansion, as opposed to binding factors that limit one from experiencing what they truly wish to experience in this life.
Another element discussed is why the particular state of mind when setting these goals matters so much and how to be in the most conducive frame of mind.
This video is highly valuable to anyone deeply questioning which direction to take in life.