Imagine this scene: five children, three boys and two girls, are playing a game of tag outside in the yard. They are running as fast as they can, laughing and shouting. When one of them is tagged, they laugh and keep going. They aren’t wondering whether they are playing too hard or whether they are running too much. They aren’t worrying about their bodies or thinking they are too tired. They aren’t reserving their energy for later. They are completely, 100% involved with their activity. When they are finally done with the game, they drop, laughing, to the ground, almost breathless, and happy. In short order they are ready to get up and go again.
As adults, we might have fond memories of such times from our childhoods. We might think wistfully of the exuberance and seemingly boundless energy we had then. We might wish for just a drop of that natural and lively enthusiasm. Is it too late to reclaim it for ourselves, years later? Is it possible to rediscover the joyous intensity of the life force moving through our bodies, minds, emotions and energies? In this video, Sadhguru shows us how to connect with the fire of life and live to our fullest capacity as human beings.