The concept of evil eye has persisted in many cultures all over the world into the modern times. The belief and stories around how it has the ability to cause harm to someone exist in ancient Greek, Jewish, Islamic, ancient Roman, Buddhist and Hindu traditions and various indigenous and folk communities. However, are the folklores really true? Does someone really have the power to send bad luck our way? Protection from evil eye is something that is still sought after by people even in today’s world. Be it evil eye jewelry or windchimes in front of the doors of houses, people take numerous kinds of steps to feel that they are shielded by any misfortune that is directed at them. So, if there is a possibility of someone causing harm, is there a possibility to safeguard ourselves from it?
In this video, Sadhguru sheds light on this topic, saying, “So, do such things exist? Yes. People can influence things. Right now, if I just take this water and look at it for a minute, we can prove today, the molecular structure of the water will change. So now if I look at this, why shouldn’t the molecular structure of the water inside change? It will. It can change in a positive way, it can change in a negative way – both are possible. A focused mind is a dangerous mind. Dangerous or not is determined by the intent. If you are able to empower the thought, then the thought becomes very powerful. An angry mind, a lustful mind, a very loving mind – all these are powerful minds. The reason is not because of anger or love, simply because they become one-pointed. If something becomes one-pointed, suddenly the power of that is big. Because of that one-pointedness, it can influence.”
“So, people who are in extreme states of anger, hatred, greed, when they really focus on something, things can happen in the other person. I said it can happen, not that it will happen. It also depends on how vulnerable you are. If you are organized in such a way, external influences do not determine what happens within you, doesn’t matter who looks at you, you can be free from that.”
“So… don’t get into all these things, because then you will start thinking, “Right now I am getting a stomach ache because she looked at me.” Don’t get into all that. For this, we have simple methods. We give you a fire wash. It’s called klesha nashana. That means an act which will take away the impurities that gathered around you. Because your body is not just here, your body doesn’t stop here, it extends itself. For most human beings, it could be anywhere between 3 to 9 inches outside of their body. So you gather material on your body, you wash it; similarly, you’re gathering other kinds of material upon your energetic system. There’s a fire wash which you’re calling drishti. Is it necessarily happening because of other people’s look or not? That’s a questionable matter, but the impact of life around you, upon your energy system is definitely happening. If you have a spiritual process within you, that is, you’re doing some kriya, or you’re doing some meditative processes, then you don’t need all this because you know how to wash yourself from within.”