In this video, Sadhguru addresses the topic of global mental health, discussing a number of alarming trends as well as the potential of yoga and classical art forms to support people who may be suffering.
Some studies have found that upwards of 20% of all American adults have symptoms of anxiety or depression. In addition, a recent CNN report claimed that the main worries of today’s parents about their teenagers are anxiety, depression, self-harm and suicide. Increased feelings of isolation and lack of a sense of community during the pandemic worsened the situation. If these trends continue, the World Health Organisation predicts that by 2050, worldwide 30 to 33% of the human population could be mentally ill, meaning among every 3 people on the planet, one would be mentally unwell.
Sadhguru first explains why are we as society moving towards such serious mental health issues, and then he discusses what can we do about it.
“We are going this way, because we are not figuring out the fundamentals of life. We don’t know how to keep ourselves well. We think for everything there’s a solution outside. No, this is an integrated life, this has everything within itself to be healthy, to be well, to be sane, to be joyful, to be blissful, it’s got everything! It’s come with everything, it’s just that we’re not accessing it, because nowhere is it being taught. Everything is turned into a fad, everything is turned into something, now people are predicting a suicide pandemic, as if mental illness pandemic is not good enough. In the year 2021, the highest number of suicides ever in the history of India happened in 2021. Over 130,000 people committing suicide. Over 18,600 below 18 years of age. Over 7,200 children below 15 years of age committing suicide. Why 12, 13 year olds want to commit suicide, when you should be bursting with life? When you are 12, 13 years of age, you should be bursting with life, but they are wanting to kill themselves. We are fundamentally doing something wrong.”
“We have not addressed the human being. We’re addressing everything else. To address the human being, bring what is called as ‘Classical Yoga.’ And just yoga everybody may not be able to do, so we are bringing along with that certain classical arts like classical dance forms, classical music and martial arts known as Kalari, which have yogic system in it.”
“Right now, with the way the world has gone till now, and all the things that humanity has achieved in the form of technology and science, the most important thing that needs to be done is raising human consciousness. At this stage of empowerment with science and technology, if we are still compulsive, instinctive reactions in the world, we will kill each other in no time. That is why Yoga is needed. Yoga means finding the source of who you are, touching the intelligence which is beyond the psychological and physiological processes.”