We live in what is arguably the most distracted age in human history. Some social critics refer to our current state as an attention economy in which media platforms, technology, political groups, and organizations of all kinds essentially compete for our attention and thrive only when they succeed in getting it. Who among us has not at one point felt that our focus or attention are not as keen as we might like? If that’s the case, we might ask whether or not anything can be done about it. Does yoga offer any solutions?

It might first be helpful to outline the key issues at stake. For instance, what is the difference between attention and focus? Which one should we work more on developing? What are some good ways to develop our attention and focus? What are the relationships between the quality of our attention and the quality of our lives?

If any of these questions resonate with you, this video is for you. In it, Sadhguru sheds light on the above questions and more, highlighting the relationship between attention and consciousness, and explaining why it’s significant to work towards a mind that functions like a mirror and not like a prism.

Attend a free webinar “Meditation for Beginners” to explore a simple yet powerful 12-18 minutes meditation that can bring clarity, health and joy. Visit www.innerengineering.com/freeyoga

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POSTED IN:Yoga and Meditation

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