Each day at precisely nine in the morning, the older gentleman would sit on the same park bench. He would carefully take out a small paper bag and throw its contents to the many doves that gathered around him. If one noticed carefully, the doves, after days of this routine, would fly overhead as he walked to the bench and many lingered there awaiting his arrival. There was a lot of activity with birds hopping and flying here and there as the man’s arm flung the breadcrumbs, but there was also a sweet silent peace that always pervaded this man’s demeanor.

Many bird watchers and animal photographers have learned that the best photo opps happen when the photographer is still. Animals seem to trust a person more when they are quiet, and many animals can sense agitation even if it is not outwardly expressed. But is there more to this inward stillness? And how can we experience it?

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POSTED IN:Yoga and Meditation

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