“You must be deeply involved, you must do things like your life depends on it, but actually it should not matter at all. Whatever you do, it must be just the way the situation demands; nothing more, nothing less. The moment it matters to you, you become a vested interest.” – Sadhguru
Many a time, we are invested in the results of our actions. We insist on the situation turning out the way we want. Accordingly, things go well until they don’t anymore, leaving us lost, heartbroken or apathetic. Is this routine optional? Is there a better way to champion an outcome without getting caught up in the weeds?
A stone thrown up will not perpetually go up because we expect it to. A game is won not because of our desire to win but because it is played well. In this video, Sadhguru explains how every human being is capable of enabling themselves and being free from the weight of dissatisfaction.
Are expectations essential to making progress, or are they a detriment to fulfillment? Are they a useful tool or just a waste of time?
Sadhguru reveals the hidden core behind these questions and offers a simple alternative. He points out that all success in the world boils down to two key factors and that building up these factors is the real answer to unfulfilled hopes.