When raised in a troubled environment, children suffer. If their parents engage in daily fights that include physical altercations, insults, or even “silent treatment” tactics, the children under their roof live a life of pain.
Children living in this type of stressful and negative home environment develop anxiety and other mental health issues. They often have lasting relationship issues, behavior problems, and eating disorders. Many look to peer support if they are unable to confront their parents, but this does not remove them from their living conditions. Some children also resort to substance abuse as a means to lessen the pain. Is there a positive way one can relinquish the negativity created by an unloving home atmosphere?
Responding to a question on the negative influence of growing up with quarreling parents and in an atmosphere that is bereft of love, Sadhguru says that we cannot determine what life throws at us, but what we make out of it is entirely our choice. He also adds that if your parents have lived badly, you must ensure that you never commit the same mistakes as your parents.