Illicit drug use ends up killing 11.8 million people each year.
That’s more than the number of deaths from all cancers.
Other drugs (such as marijuana) might not have as lethal effects, but can have negative side effects over the long term. Why do people do this? Why do people feel the need to take recreational drugs? Why do people feel the need to rely on an outside substance for a feeling of inner peace or bliss?
One reason that certain drugs like marijuana or alcohol can decrease your sense of “self” – in some ways they can give you the ability to act with a sense of abandon, a feeling many of us are chasing. They can also – in the short term – give a feeling of lower stress and a sense of blissfulness. The problem is that these drugs come with a multitude of side effects, whether it’s a hangover, drowsiness, lack of energy, or other long-term ill health.
Some people might not consider yoga as an alternative to drugs, but according to certain studies, yoga provides many of the same benefits without the long term negative consequences. For example, with regular practice of kriya, people report reduced rates of asthma, hypertension, headaches, diabetes, back pain and neck pain, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and more. They also reported improved mental clarity, emotional balance productivity, and overall inner peace. Consistent practice of kriya is also associated with increased endocannabinoids, which can bring a sense of blissfulness within someone.
While drugs can give the illusion of improving these factors in the short term, long term the effects are counterproductive.
In the following video, Sadhguru explores the scientific benefits of yoga, how yoga can get you stoned, and other teachings around this topic.