Many of the legends about yogis and mystics speak of unusual powers like the ability to levitate, to be in two places at once, to heal the sick, or even to know people’s thoughts. So what about Sadhguru? Does he have any of these powers? Specifically, wonders one questioner, does he have the capacity to read minds? But what would that even mean? Would he essentially hear our thoughts and know our memories? What would be the conditions under which he might be able to do so? And perhaps more importantly, would there really be any good reason for him to read another’s mind?

In response to a questioner, Sadhguru had the following response: “So, can I read your mind? I don’t waste my time reading people’s mind because it’s… I don’t read even my mind, because it’s a trash bin. Because what is in your mind? From your childhood, whatever you are exposed to, what you see, what you hear, what you smell, what you taste, everything is in your mind, isn’t it? Your mind is society’s garbage bin – you have no choice. People who are busy spreading lies in the world talk about ‘a pure mind.’ How can a garbage bin be pure? If you remove half the brain, pure mind; otherwise, everything that you’ve gathered is there. You cannot choose what to hold, you can only choose what to use. That choice also, many people have lost. So, don’t talk about reading your mind. I don’t want to walk through all that filth! Hello? I don’t even go through my mind, forget about yours.”

“But the basic question is something else, it’s just… I picked on something on the side. I must tell you this, I have initiated more people in the world whom I have never met, than people that I have met. I have met a few million people, but I have initiated many, many times more people who I have never met. They’ve never seen me, they have never… know anything about me, just if they were in a moment of absolute willingness, we won’t miss the chance. So, what absolute willingness means is, you are conscious, and you have no will of your own – you are simply here. You are Shimla or North Pole it doesn’t matter, because consciousness has no distance. You are talking about being in the same room; this is only the problem of the body. Your body is there, my body is here. It’s very clear. This is my mind, that’s your mind. Clear. But I want you to understand, there is no such thing as my life and your life. You hold a little bit of the same thing, I hold a little bit of the same thing.”

“So, will you experience this, or will you believe the nonsense that I’m speaking? This is the only question. If you experience it, after that I don’t have to tell you, “Be nice to the person who’s sitting next to you, don’t rob them, don’t kill them, don’t do this, don’t do that.” Would you need it? Did anybody tell you, “This little finger is a helpless little finger, don’t cut it, don’t chop it, don’t hammer it?” Did anybody tell you? Why you’re taking care of it? Because you experience this as a part of myself. If you experience all life as part of myself, then nothing would be needed, everywhere it’s connected.”

“So I’m saying in Shimla, or wherever you want, if you simply sit there, not as a man, not as a woman, not as a person, just as life, (snaps fingers) we are always waiting. You must do some Inner Engineering – there’s a program called Inner Engineering. There is a 7-day online session. Simple 7 steps that you take to undo your mind. Then there is a simple practice which has to be done more directly, which is called as Shambhavi Mahamudra. What it does is, to you, if you sit here, your body is here, your mind is there, what is you is little away from these 2 things.”

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POSTED IN:Yoga and Meditation

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