Brave, dedicated, self-sacrificing, and compassionate are just a few words that describe the doctors, nurses, and other medical personal who are doing all they can during this crisis. There would be no relief without them. Their stories tell the truth of their ordeal as they work relentlessly to help the rest of humanity.

Many people have applauded their efforts through media postings and car drive-bys. Others have made donations of meals, hospital equipment, and money in order to support their efforts. There is always something you can do from the sidelines to help.

Sadhguru expresses a few words in gratitude and honor of all those valiant healthcare workers who are risking their lives to help us through this coronavirus pandemic and tells us how we can help to support their efforts.


Inner Engineering Online is offered for free for all the healthcare providers worldwide. Visit


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POSTED IN:Yoga and Meditation
  1. Kalpana Dhandapani Reply
    Iam a nurse looking after COVID patients.I would like to join inner enjinneeing free session offered by Sadhguru
    • Inner Engineering Reply
      Wonderful, please join here:

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