Offered in the breathtaking natural setting of the Isha Institute of Inner-sciences in Tennessee, a powerful space created by Sadhguru for self-transformation, this retreat combines the content of Inner Engineering Online and initiation into the powerful Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya(香巴维大手印克里亚) in a 4-day residential program. The added benefits of an immersive experience include treks to the forests, bluffs and waterfalls on site, live music and fresh, wholesome vegetarian meals.
This program is offered through an Isha Yoga instructor trained by Sadhguru.
This program offers the transmission of Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya, an ancient, purifying 21-minute yoga practice of immeasurable transformative power that Sadhguru has brought to the modern world. Shambhavi aligns your entire system so that your body, mind, emotions and energies function in harmony, establishing a chemistry of blissfulness within you and empowering you to create your life the way you want it.
Today, millions of dedicated practitioners have experienced greater emotional balance, focus, stability, and improved health.