Yoga Means Aligning with the Cosmic Geometry

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Yoga Means Aligning with the Cosmic Geometry

Now this possibility of this simple thing called yoga is not about twisting your body. It’s not about getting fit. It’s not about getting healthy. It’s all these things nature will do for you if only you live in-tune with it. This is about understanding the geometry of the cosmos through the geometry of your own system. I am calling this a geometry because cosmos is a geometry, isn’t it? Planet earth is going around the sun. What is it? A diesel power? You think a big diesel engine is pushing it? If it was, the roar of the engine would have killed us.

Just the perfect of geometry just keeps going and going and going isn’t it? You’ve seen those perpetual machines? Have you seen those little ones? You just do it like this for years on end it’s going. This is just that. It’s a perfection of geometry which keeps it going and going and going.

The whole universe is geometrically perfect. That’s why it stays there. Otherwise it wouldn’t. If you learn to hold your body in a certain way, if the geometry of your body is in alignment with the geometry of the rest of the creation, suddenly you will find that is a rappo. A rappo which will allow you, you can download the whole cosmos into this one. This is not a tiny little … If you simply like this, if you live, you’re just a piece of flesh and bone. If you just get it right, suddenly this is something else.

Probably these days, you don’t have this experience anymore because you’ve got all Tata Sky, Dishnet, and all this stuff. Suppose you had a television in your home in the ’80s when first the cable came. You’re watching your favorite cricket match. Suddenly your television was bup bup bup. Then you climb up the terrace and there on that aluminum contraption. If you do like this, nothing will come. If you do like this, nothing will come. If you just get it to the right place, the world pours into your sitting room.

This is just like that. If you learn to just hold it right, the whole cosmos will pour into you. Engineering yourself does not mean engineering yourself to breathe little better, to be little more healthy, no. This is about realizing the full potential of what it means to be human. This must happen.

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