We have so many different kinds of relationships in our lives. How we understand these relationships and how we define what love is, have a lot to do with how successfully these relationships are nurtured over time. What are the ingredients and ways of relating needed for a truly loving relationship? You may have noticed that what can tend to work so well in the beginning may suddenly not seem sustainable at some point. What is the reason for this?
In this video, Sadhguru explains why what sometimes seems to work initially, can turn sour and how this has to do with the nature of emotions, as opposed to the nature of the mind or body.
He explores the misconceptions we have about what loving someone means and how these lead to behaviours that can hurt what seemed to be healthy relationships. What does judgement have to do with love, and how do we inadvertently bring judgement into what we think is loving behaviour? This video offers a deeper understanding on how to approach emotions and our perspective regarding the ones we love in order to foster truly successful and loving connections.
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