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Why Are We Here?

Only one question, Guruji. We, the human beings of the Earth are by chance or by choice of God or any super power?

Why we are on this planet?

By accident or by design of super power?

I think even the planet is wondering why the hell these human beings came here.

The solar system, the way it is and so as the other universal systems, the galaxies, they’re all happening because they arrive at a certain perfection of geometry. Geometry in the sense, right now this planet is going around the sun, it’s found its perfect orbit. So it’s going and going and going. Not powered by engine or something. See the airplane is going, powered by engines. It’s being pushed. This is not being pushed. This has just found a certain perfection of geometry and it’s going on. The day it loses its perfection of geometry, if it loses the line of orbit, it’s gone.

In this process, life happens on this planet. Also, involving this geometry, on various levels, we say in the Yogi culture, we say a human being is physiologically and, in terms of brain, has reached its peak physiologically. That is, after a million years you will not have a horn coming out of your head or something else, like the tail disappeared something else will disappear. This cannot happen. We are saying this from a certain context.

Today, the modern neuroscientists are saying similar things. They’re saying the size of the neuron, in the human brain, can neither increase nor can the wiring inside can increase because the physical laws don’t permit it. The laws of physics do not permit it. I will not go into the details of that.

To put it very simply, how we see it is, you’re birth here … Right now, all life on this planet is solar-powered, isn’t it? Yes? It is the sun’s energy which is doing all this. The revolutions and the rotations of the the moon also has influence upon us. The very ocean is rising and falling with the movement of the moon. Only because our mother’s bodies were in-tune with the cycle of the moon, we are born and we are here. Yes? If this 28-day cycle of the moon, does not repeat itself in a woman’s body, you and me wouldn’t be born.

Because it has reached that we say, the physical laws have come to a certain place where life upon this planet cannot evolve further. You can make use of what you have in a much better way. Using the same technology we had a dumb phone and then we had a smartphone, now we have iPhone, like this we can go on improving it, how we use it. But the fundamental physical laws will not permit any further evolution of this creature.

Did it happen by accident? No. The Theory of Evolution, remember Charles Darwin, who made a monkey out of you? Not me, him. If you look at the Theory of Evolution which was propounded just 150 years ago. We have said this thousands of years ago in a sense. You know the 10? At least the nine, you’ll know those will come. What is the first one?

It means fish or watered life. All life on this planet started underwater. What is the next thing? Amphibious, like a turtle. Half in the water, half on the land. The next one is a pig or a wild boar. Among the mammals, one animal which is strongly, strongly rooted in its body is a wild boar. We live next to the forest, we see this. The tribal boys can kill a deer with a stick. If you hit it with a stick, it’ll fall dead. The local dogs will hunt the deer, but a wild boar, you try to kill him and see. It’s not easy to kill him. You go smash him with a car. His spine is broken. Still he will go. He will not stop, because he is so physically rooted. His life is so physical.

The next form of life was shocking. This simply means the creator is finding expression, first as fish, then as a turtle, then as a wild boar, next one is half man, half animal. Next one is a dwarfed man. Next one is a full-grown man but emotionally volatile man. Next one is a peaceful man, next one is a loving man, next is a meditative man, which is a Buddha. Next is supposed to be a mystical being, yet to come. Okay?

This is running very much in parallel lines with Darwin’s theory of evolution. Yes or no? It’s the same sequence, exactly in the same sequence. Darwin propounded his theory only a hundred and fifty years ago. This was said twelve to fifteen thousand years ago. Yogi himself spoke about it.

If you observe life, you can clearly see, from what is inanimate, basic life forms, basic life forms, from that, life evolved. We have always seen it that way. Always, we saw life evolved. Constantly, we are, in every temple you go, there is a snake. There are various symbolisms all around the place, because even today in your brain, one part of your brain is a reptilian brain, you know? The core part of your brain is still a reptilian brain. It still functions, and we have different practices in yoga as to how to transcend this reptilian brain, and allow the cerebral cortex to function, and today we have scientific evidence to show you. The University of California has done scientific studies on the basic practice we teach, usually. And they say if you practice for three months, the neuronal regeneration increases by two hundred and forty-one percent. A kind of percentage that’s never been recorded in the history of any kind of research. Okay?

Just a simple practice, for twenty-one minutes, two hundred and forty-one percent increase in your brain function and neuronal regeneration. This means, when you grow old, you will become more intelligent. Usually, young people think you are getting stupid. Yes. Your brain is actually going. You understand? It’s getting better, by the day. Now there is scientific evidence. We always knew this, but today, a meter has to say. If a man says it, it’s not true. If a man says it, it’s doubtful, but a meter has to say it. Now the meters are saying it. The meters are saying your brain is actually growing, by doing a simple twenty-one minute practice, and you don’t believe the meter. You just do the practice for three months and see. You will see how clear and how smart your mind is, suddenly.

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