In our world, many of us were taught that being decisive is a desirable trait. When we look to popular media for representations of successful people, whether they be leaders, business people, or even athletes, do they not tend to be represented as strong willed, clear, and single minded? Would it not be strange to see a political leader or CEO confess to being very confused and unclear?
Clearly, we are often given the message that confusion is something to be avoided. Clarity is highly prized. But, is there something about confusion that we have missed? Perhaps there is some hidden benefit in a confused state, wherein one has not come to any conclusions or made up one’s mind in any way. What possible benefits could such a state bring?
Read on to hear Sadhguru’s surprising insights into confusion and conclusions as he explores the ways that keeping conclusions to a minimum and remaining open to love might transform even the most miserably confusing moment into a fantastic opportunity.
Is It Good To Be Confused?
Sadhguru says, “the nature of the mind is, it is intelligent and alive only if every moment it’s looking; if it is concluded and decided, it is a dumb mind, it is as good as the block of wood. Every moment it is considering, only then it is an active mind. It’s only that if you make this choice, you must be joyfully confused. That’s all I’m saying. People get confused and miserable because they have an idea that they must be clear. They think all successful people are all clear, and they’re determined, they’ve made their decisions. No, only fanatics are like that, and fools are like that. Somebody who is successful, he’s keeping his eyes open for anything and everything, right?
So, this idea that your mind must be made up is a silly idea. It’s important that every moment it’s a choice, everything that you are doing. Life becomes beautiful because there is enormous joy because you want to do this right now. “Because I decided 10 years ago, I’m doing it.” How will you have any joy in what you’re doing right now? So, every day in the morning you get up, and you don’t know what to do, it’s a perfect way to get up. Yes! This does not mean that you will do different things every day. Even if you do the same thing, it’s by choice. Then it keeps you alive to everything that you’re doing, because you’re doing it by choice.”
The Importance of Love
Sadhguru says, “if you don’t know how to make these choices, if they’re confusing you, the problem is, there is no love or commitment towards anything, okay? If there is an immense sense of love towards something, all these things will fall into place. See, you don’t need morality, you don’t need values, you don’t need ethics; if you’re conscious, you don’t need any of those things. Suppose that is not possible; the next best thing is, you have a deep sense of love. If you have this, you again don’t need any values, you don’t need any ethics, you don’t need anything, because what you love, you will take care in the best possible way. Because people think – I think I should read this to you, because people think… love is a sappy talk, and you know, I love you, you love me, nonsense going on everywhere. No, it’s a very deep sense of integrity and commitment, isn’t it?
When you genuinely love something, or somebody, there is an enormous sense of integrity towards that. You will never do anything harmful to what you love – if you genuinely love. If love is a mutual benefit scheme, then it’s a different matter. Love is not just for sweet words, or tenderness of touch, and sappy emotions. Love is the bedrock of integrity, courage, and sacrifice. Who else but those whose hearts are soaked in love has held others well-being above their own. Who have stood up against threats and dangers but for those invested in love. Who but the lovers have been the most willing to sacrifice all that matters, and themselves, at the altar of love.
Love, the tenderest and the most resilient of all human traits. You need to build something. If you don’t have anything, then this mind’s possibility of considering and reconsidering everything every moment becomes a painful process; otherwise, this becomes a fantastic process. You have to become either conscious, or at least loving. Once you have this, then you will see, this daily consideration will not be painful – it will be very joyful and wonderful.”
Attend a free webinar “Meditation for Beginners” to explore a simple yet powerful 12-18 minutes meditation that can bring clarity, health and joy. Visit www.innerengineering.com/freeyoga