“Hope is a trick. It’s a psychological trick. It’s a bone in front of you that you’ll never catch” – Sadhguru

To many, hope is by default a significant part of their lives. People live each day with the hope that circumstances will be better and that more things will go their way. But is this an obstacle to their growth?  Isn’t it always a good thing to keep one’s hopes high? Sadhguru disputes this view.

“Become hopeless,” he says and goes on to explain how hope, having crept into our daily lives, causes a disconnect from reality. How much can we contribute to ourselves and the world around us when we live in an inner state of delusion? This is a video in which Sadhguru dispels some commonly misunderstood aspects of hope and shines a light on its misleading nature.

But if one is to abandon hope to focus instead on simply doing what is necessary as per one’s capability, how does this help along one’s spiritual path? What about things that are out of one’s capacity to control? Should we not hold any hope for such circumstances? Sadhguru not only answers these questions but also points out how hope will actively prevent full involvement with one’s own spiritual practice. For those who seek a greater involvement with life and solutions rather than solace, this is a must-watch.

Attend a free webinar “Meditation for Beginners” to explore a simple yet powerful 12-18 minutes meditation that can bring clarity, health and joy. Visit www.innerengineering.com/freeyoga

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POSTED IN:Yoga and Meditation

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