The Rules of Life and Death

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The Rules of Life and Death

It’s seven years. It was seven days I would speak something sweet. That will be a balm and a solace for you. Now that it’s seven years, I say cruel things, okay? They’re not cruel. It’s just that’s the way of life. If you do not get the way of life, we will become unfit to live life. If you do not understand the ways of life, we will render ourselves unfit to live life.

You know very well every day a lot of people are dying. As we sit here in the room in two hours, how many people do you think would have died in the world? What’s the estimate? Somebody who is a doctor or nurse you must know. What are the numbers like? Let’s say a few thousand, all right? I don’t know. It would be more than that. In twenty four hours I think a few million people are dying, yes? A couple of million at least must be dying. In two hours a few hundred thousand are dying. Every one of them who die will be dear to somebody, yes? Maybe one person, two people, five people, ten people are crying right now about that one person who died. Yes or no?

Do we say, “Oh, it’s nothing. Anyway they die. Leave them alone.” That’s not it. That is callousness. I’m not talking about that, but still to understand that this is the way life is structured, but you have structured your thought an emotion in a different way which is bound to break at some point. Either it’s going to break because you die or somebody else dies. If both of you have to live forever then we cannot tolerate this. Yes? Can you tolerate a whole lot of people who are attached to each other? They never die. Can you tolerate this? It will happen inevitably. The only thing is we wish that everybody has a complete cycle of life and die. That’s how it works.

What is a complete cycle of life? Today, doctors are saying if you live for another fifty years we will make you live for five hundred years. Of course you won’t remember what happened four hundred years ago, but it doesn’t matter. We will make you live five hundred years. Only thing is you must have tubes and pins and needles connected to you wherever you go, but you live for five hundred years. You know they are saying this? Some of the doctors are saying now they can manufacture extra spare liver, spare kidney, spare heart with stem cells and keep it ready for you if you have the money. Even now it can be done. Only thing is like yesterday or day before I was talking to a doctor who is very involved in this. He said, “See, we can grow a spare liver for you right now, but only thing is we cannot fully control that. It is possible that your liver have teeth.” How is it your liver biting you from inside?

Really, this is exactly what he said. That your liver may develop teeth. Actually, dentures because in the stem cells we cannot control that. Your heart may happen, but it may have a nose and it wants to breathe not only just beat. Then you have to open up a small hole for it to breathe. Like this. I am saying you can stretch it. Nobody is talking about never dying, okay?

Instead of fifty years, we said hundred. Instead of hundred we said hundred and sixty with yoga. Now they are saying five hundred, we will do it spare kidney, spare heart, spare liver, everything done. Even if you live for five hundred, will you die gracefully I’m asking? Even at five hundred, the same struggle will go on, isn’t it? Postponement and much more struggle will happen along the way. So many surgeries of transplant. It’s a good business model, but it is not a way to live. We wish that everybody gets to live their natural life span. What is natural is not for you and me to decide, isn’t it? For whatever reason, when life is here, we do everything possible to preserve it and nurture it. For whatever reason, either because of an ailment or a car crash or a bullet or a hangman’s noose, which way life left the body it doesn’t matter, but whatever reason, the moment it leaves the body, you respect the decision of that life. That it chooses to leave the physical. Always.

If you do not respect that, you have not understood the fundamentals of how life happens. Anyway, this is not even about life. This is about having lost what is yours. Somebody lost a home. They’re crying about it for seven years. Somebody lost a million dollars. They’re crying about it for fourteen years. Yes or no? Yes or no? The question is not about your brother. The question is not about another life. The crying is not about life at all. The crying is about what you possessed has been lost. This is what I was telling him. The child listed four years. The first thing is learn to not possess because it’s not even yours. It’s never been yours. It is you who is claiming this is my brother, this is my son, this is my this. As a relationship you can say this is my somebody, but you believing this is mine and if you lose it you’re broken is not compatible to the way life is structured. This may not be acceptable for you. How cruel can this get? It’s not me. This is the way creation is. Either you see it and be in tune with it and make maximum out of life, or you don’t see it and cry about everything that happens.

This is the most important thing that you do as a child in India. The only reason, now they have a different reason, the only reason why they wanted to have a son is because in your old age he will remind you about your spiritual responsibility. He will remind you about your Mokti, your liberation. If you don’t get it in your life, he will facilitate it even after you’re dead. Just for this one reason everybody wanted to have children. I am saying that is your fundamental duty to one who delivered you, who brought you to life, to remind her about the nature of life and tell her what is the most important thing. You are not the most important thing in her life. She has to find her ultimate nature. That is the most important thing.

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