The park was always his favorite place. He routinely sat on one of the benches that faced the lake. Young children were running and playing nearby. He looked up as he heard one parent yelling and demeaning her toddler, who was running towards the lake. The scene unnerved him. Shortly after, another toddler ran towards the lake but was quickly followed by his father, who just picked him up and twirled him around. He did not angrily reprimand the child; instead, he took a gentle approach.

These two ways of handling the same situation model the power of emotions. One nurtured while the other invoked shame and fear. Which would have been your reaction? Maybe you have tasted the effect of strong emotions in similar situations? How can we use emotions to empower ourselves, rather than to harm ourselves or others?

Sadhguru talks about how maintaining a steady sweetness of emotions is an intelligent way to exist, and that people cannot help falling in love with such a person.

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POSTED IN:Yoga and Meditation

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