
Whether it’s a car, television, or a wheel, we’re looking at various technologies developed by humans. Why did we develop these technologies and why have they become such integral aspects of our daily lives? Someone intelligent developed these technologies to improve the quality and efficiency of our lives. Just as there are outer technologies for external wellbeing, there are inner technologies for inner wellbeing. The technology of yoga has endured for thousands of years simply because of its effectiveness in creating inner wellbeing. Let’s hear what Sadhguru has to say about yoga technology for wellbeing.

“Now if you invest, let us say, even thirty minutes a day in your yoga, you will see, you will gain immensely, even in terms of your time. The first thing that will happen is, your sleep quota will come down. Now if you’re sleeping for eight hours a day, that means one third of your life you are sleeping off, isn’t it? If your body and your mind are more energized and active, your sleep quota will naturally come down. So if you gain three-four hours a day, just in terms of wakefulness, that’s a huge thing, isn’t it? Apart from that, if your body and mind were more organized, you would see – what I have found with people is, with the simple process of yoga, within six to eight weeks, for a lot of them, their level of performance becomes such that what they were doing in eight hours, they’re very easily able to do in three to four hours. Simply because, if you observe yourself through the day – suppose we take a video of your whole day without you being aware of it – you will notice how much unnecessary movement and unnecessary words and unnecessary activities are happening in your life. You must do it one day. Please hire a video cameraman and ask him to shoot you without you knowing about it. You will see how any unnecessary thing you are doing in a day.

If your mind became more organized, these unnecessary words, these unnecessary actions, the unnecessary thing will disappear. Once they go away, you have a lot of time. You have twenty-four hours to live. Now, we don’t have to make this into twenty-six hours. Twenty-four hours are enough. We can do a lot in twenty-four hours. If we are organized and focused human beings, we can do plenty in twenty-four hours time. If you’re disorganized and unfocused, you think there is no time. Most of you are not busy; you’re just preoccupied, aren’t you? Just too much preoccupation in the mind. SO please invest this half and hour a day. Get up at five thirty, okay? And you will see, suddenly the quality of your life will be very different. Don’t do on with this argument: ‘I have no time’. Make time and see; it will make a huge difference.” – Sadhguru, Ancient Technology for the Modern Mind

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POSTED IN:Yoga and Meditation

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