When it comes to karma, many of us immediately associate it with the words ‘good and bad’, as has become familiar even in the lexicon of popular culture. This leads to connecting it with some sense of reward or punishment.
In addition, many of us seem to think it is something above and beyond our control. We’re either blessed with good karma, or pre-destined to an ill fate.
In this video, Sadhguru clears misconceptions about what the word karma means as well as ideas on how much of our life is in our own hands.
He explains the relationship between karma and compulsiveness versus conscious action in the various dimensions that we experience ourselves. Taking charge of ourselves on the levels of physical, mental and energetic realms has different effects.
In doing so, it gives us a renewed understanding of how to go about our activity and lives to become the masters of our own destinies.
Sadhguru also clarifies the link between karma and memory and even the tendencies that we play out and how to become in charge of all of this so that our lives are the way we want them to be.