Is there really any freedom in our lives if we are dependent on others for our own blissfulness? How would we change the way we live if we were no longer compelled toward others for our pleasure? How would we treat others when the compulsion that ties us to them melts into the desire to simply be with them, needing nothing in return? What would that mean for the world at large? What would that mean for the environment? What would it mean for the economy and those who participate in it? And what if the greatest source of pleasure comes not from outside, but from within us? “After all, you are not going after a man or woman, you’re going after a certain level of pleasantness” he says, detailing how today the very word “relationship” ubiquitously implies a sexual relationship.
In this video featuring excerpts from a few talks, Sadhguru explores the concept of pleasure, celibacy, the pineal gland, the benefits of going beyond compulsion, and a certain “sweetness” that certain yogic practices can help us cultivate. “There are ways we can make you find something which is far bigger than this. Once you taste something better, I don’t have to tell you give this up, or give that up, it will anyway fall off, isn’t it? There are ways to do certain sadhana, which is more intense than sexuality, which is more ecstatic than sexuality. One one level, if you look at it, all dimensions of yoga, one way or the other, are ultimately trying to activate the pineal, because once it begins its secretion, everything about you becomes sweet and beautiful. It creates a whole inner pleasure which makes all the outer pleasures look like kindergarten stuff.”
“That’s the reason yogis are just sitting with eyes closed, not because they are against pleasure; they are against small pleasures, that’s all. So, the Shambhavi – one thing that’s happening is, it stimulates the pineal secretion in a big way, which leaves you drenched in a certain level of sweetness throughout the day. It just leaves you in a certain state of ecstasy and blissfulness, because the pineal gland is active. This is one aspect of your physiology which is very close to your consciousness. The rest of the physiology is about survival, but the pineal gland is one aspect of your physiology which is very, very close to transcending the physical.”
“In the yogic traditions, this sweetness is referred to as Amruta, or the ambrosia, or the elixir of life. One drop, if it comes into the system, suddenly the whole system just cools down, the whole system is lubricated, functions at ease, the desperation in the system is gone, the desperation in the mind is gone. So, ambrosia means, you found your own pleasure. If you’re extremely joyful within yourself, you found the Amrita within yourself. You are extremely… you are in an extreme state of pleasantness. Now being with people is not anymore about squeezing pleasure out of them. Being with people is just out of… just being with them. Only now you are truly capable of love, otherwise it is just a ‘open sesame’ trick. ‘I love you’ means… whether they believe you or not, for that moment they make themselves believe you, because they’re also in need of something, you’re also in need of something. Isn’t it? It’s like the… you know, Alibaba and the 40… ‘Open sesame’ means it opens. This is just like ‘I love you’ means many things open up. Now, by doing this – I’m not saying it is right or wrong, that’s the way people conduct their life, there’s nothing to it.”
“But by doing this, the true possibility of knowing an intense sense of love within you is lost. You’re here constantly looking, ‘What can I get out of this person?’ ‘What can I get out of that person?’ This is a con job. It’s called a love affair, but it’s a con job. But if you are extremely ecstatic by yourself, when you’re being with people it is about sharing your ecstasy, it is about, if they are not touched by it, somehow to touch them with it, rather than seeing what you can squeeze out of them. The whole fundamentals of your life will change.”
What would one do if given a practice that achieved a state of ecstasy that lasts throughout the day? This video serves as a profound reminder that each individual has the power to engineer their own inner well-being and create a life of profound fulfillment and purpose.