According to scientists, soil has many benefits for life on Earth. Soil provides plants with the necessary minerals and nutrients needed for their survival and growth. Soil also  protects plants from erosion, provides a habitat for billions of organisms, and helps filter water for nature’s aquatic systems. In addition, soil is the basis of our agroecosystems, which provide humanity with food, clothing, and fuel.

Did you know that there are more living organisms in one tablespoon of soil than there are people on the earth? Did you know that agriculture is considered the only essential industry on Earth? Did you know that soil is a non-renewable natural resource? Did you know that about 70% of the weight of a textbook is actually soil? Undoubtedly, soil is one of the most vital components of our planet for all life. But how well are we taking care of it?

Sadhguru looks at how soil is not “dirt”, as it is commonly referred to, but the very source of our bodies and our lives. He explains that unless we keep the soil on the planet rich and strong, it could lead to a weakening of the genetic material in the human system.


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POSTED IN:Environment, Health, Videos

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