Why are simple practices for correct posture so important? Growing up, our family and teachers reminded us to sit up, stand straight, and never slouch. But, did anyone really explain why correct posture is so important? With his deep understanding of how the human body works, Sadhguru explains reasons you’ve likely never considered.

He also provides four guidelines that can make a big difference in how you feel, act, and your energy levels each day. Putting these insights into action can really increase what you are capable of each day.

#1 – Don’t Sit in a Reclining Posture

Why is a reclining posture not good for us? “Now in your body there is skeletal comfort, muscular comfort, organ comfort, and energy comfort. If you simply sit on a reclining chair your muscles will be comfortable but your joints will struggle. Have you noticed this?”

“If you travel in a car reclining in the seat you will be so exhausted. If you simply sit up, it won’t happen. Your muscles are relaxed. But, your bones don’t like it. Your bones like a complete stretch out but not this halfway recline. Because it’s too much stress on the skeletal system. Above all, your organs don’t like it at all.”

“All the vital organs in this region are not fixed with clamps and bolts or flanges. They’re just hanging in nets, like this (demonstrates swaying). Even your heart is loosely fixed with all kinds of trapezes. If you are in a recline – especially if there is movement – your organs will suffer enormously. Understand if there is movement, you must always sit straight. Then your organs are in a better level of comfort.”

#2 – The Right Posture for Your Body

How should we sit then? “Sit, preferably, cross-legged. This is a posture where the body will be in maximum contact with the floor so naturally the weight per square cm or square inch is minimal. Your ability to sit is better because weight is not just on your buttocks. It’s spread out. If you prepare your body well, this is the most comfortable thing you can do.”

#3 Ignite Yourself for Action with this Simple Practice

“The science of yoga not only has powerful tools for one’s ultimate well-being, it also offers useful tools for one’s immediate well-being, healing, and relief. These tools can be termed as UPA yoga.”

“One part of UPA yoga is called sadilaja. Sadilaja means born out of looseness. It is loosening not only the muscles and the skeletal system, it is also about loosening the energy system. This helps to prepare and still simulate your system. The directional movement involved is a simple way of doing this. It also exercises the muscles without any risk of injury.”

Sadhguru goes on to explain, “Joints have a concentration of energy nodules so by activating them everything in the system gets ignited for action.”

#4 Enhance Your Capabilities with Isha Kriya

What is it about Isha Kriya that enhances our capabilities? “Isha Kriya’s three ingredients, your breath, your thought, and your awareness, in the right combination, if you use them, you will slowly see a little bit of distance arises between you and your body. If you and your body-mind combination stand away from each other, then suddenly you will find your ability to use your body and your mind goes into a phenomenal scale.”

“If right now, if you have to count from one to 10 right, the highest is 10. If you’re attached or involved with this body, you are less than one. If these two things come apart, suddenly you can rev it up all the way to 10.”

“Your ability to use the mind and the body is so greatly enhanced that you almost look superhuman to somebody else. But I’m telling you, this is human. This is not about being superhuman. This is about realizing being human is super. Yes, it’s not a simple thing to be human.”

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POSTED IN:Yoga and Meditation

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