Have you heard about the “third eye”? Some view it as a symbol of intuition, while others connect it to ideas of seeing beyond ordinary limits, such as glimpses of the past, future, or distant events. The third eye is a popular image in discussions about psychic abilities. But what does this really mean? Is it a literal hidden eye offering extraordinary vision, or is it better understood as a metaphor for heightened perception? In this video, someone asks Sadhguru about the reality of third eye during meditation.
Sadhguru: “Now, this needs to be understood. What is referred to as the “third eye” is not necessarily another eye like this, okay? It is not. In the pranic system, we talked about those 72000 nadis. These 72000 nadis have 114 important junction points in the body. Generally these are referred to as “chakras.” The word “chakra” literally means a wheel but these are not in the form of circles or wheels, they always meet in the form of a triangle. The nadis always meet in the form of a triangle and the whole Yogic system depends on what you do with them. So, out of these 114, 7 are held as the major junction points. So, these are the seven chakras that everybody is normally talking about. They are in certain… located in certain parts of your body. These are muladhara, swadhishthana, manipuraka, anahata, vishuddhi, agna, sahasrar.”
“The word “anahata” means unstruck – this is the un-struck sound. This is the meeting between the lower and the higher. All your survival instincts are in the lower three chakras. Self preservation is in manipuraka, swadhishthana and muladhara. The longing to break away from all this and go away beyond is in vishuddhi, agna and sahasrar. Anahata is the meeting point. So, anahata, the symbolism is two triangles meeting. Two upward moving and downward moving triangles meeting because these are two different dimensions of life – one is catering to self-preservation, another is catering to the longing to go beyond.”
“So, if energies move into vishuddhi – it’s a power center – you can become enormously powerful, very powerful individuals. When I say “power,” not necessarily physical or financial or something. People can be powerful in so many ways. Just the very way they stand, some people are powerful, some people are not, isn’t it? If your energies move into agna, you are intellectually realized. You see things clearly, you see everything the way it is. Once you begin to see everything the way it is, you are at peace. These two eyes are very deceptive. They make you see things the way it is necessary for your survival. Once your energies touch agna, now you’re seeing things the way they are–everything, the way it is. Now, that is why it is referred to as a “third eye.”
“About seeing a form of an eye is simply because certain systems of practices made a whole imagery about it. These images were not just drawn on paper, they established forms of it. This is a whole science by itself. In India, this is called as the science of consecration. In the Yogic traditions, this science of consecration can be taken to such peaks, any form you want you can consecrate it and make it a reality. So, like this, people created different kinds of imagery for the sake of sadhana, So that people could make use of it. It is not that… that’s the way you have it but it has been established in many traditions, third eye has been elaborately established as an energy form. If you happen to come in touch with this somewhere, you may begin to see it. But these are two different kinds of Yoga.”
“There is something called as “Right-hand Yoga” and “Left-hand Yoga.” In the Right-hand Yoga, there is no imagery. Right now, what we are offering to you is that – no imagery. We don’t use any kind of imagination. Just use yourself to grow. Maybe it is not as colorful as that but it’s more steady, you don’t get lost. There, you will not know but it’s very colorful and exuberant ways. I also very much do those kind of things but not with large groups of people because people will fly off into imaginary states so easily.”