Unfortunately, in today’s world, bullying is all too common. Many may picture bullying as something that happens in schools or online, but bullying can take many forms, such as a powerful community bullying a disadvantaged one, a business mistreating its workers and customers, or a company polluting the earth. In all these situations, an individual or group is harming something else that they perceive to be weaker than themselves or separate from themselves. Many believe that some amount of bullying is necessary to succeed financially or socially. They will say that, in the rush to get ahead, it is sometimes necessary to step on someone else.
However, in many ways, bullying does not make sense. After all, we all live on the same planet and share the same air. Our bodies come from the Earth and will return to the Earth when we die. In other words, we are all in this together. Would things not improve if we could simply work together and cooperate to make life better for all? Yet, bullying, in all its various manifestations, continues to thrive in the modern world. Why is this so? And what can be done to put an end to bullying? Read on to hear Sadhguru’s insights into this phenomena.
What Is The Cause Of Bullying?
Sadhguru says, “The more powerful are always bullying the less powerful. Whether it is in the form of nations, or in the form of communities, or in the form of individual human beings, bullying is happening everywhere, all the time, isn’t it? We have structured the world in such a way that if you don’t learn to bully enough, at least in the society’s eyes, you don’t get anywhere. Either your bullying is crude, just on strength of your muscle, or it is in subtle ways, but bullying is happening all over the place. I want you to understand: the world, the international situation, is not any different from the street corner – just the same way, isn’t it? The strong lean on the weak in so many ways. It is still a caveman’s world of ‘survival of the fittest,’ conducted in a more cunning manner, not straightforward. So, the way the world runs right now is just by bullying.
What Can Be Done?
Sadhguru says, “bullies are considered leaders. Compassionate human beings, people with a larger vision about humanity, are not considered leaders, they’re considered philosophers in this world. They are dismissed as ‘visionaries.’ This has to change, but that’s not going to change overnight. That needs lots of work on humanity, on individual human beings. General statements, slogans on the street will not help, it needs pointed work on individual human beings. There has not been enough infrastructure to do that kind of work. So, this is another thing we’re doing now. All this that we’re building here is infrastructure for an inclusive consciousness. This infrastructure is completely missing in most parts of the world. For a human being to become a full-fledged, blossomed human being, there is no infrastructure. We need a powerful, nonsectarian spiritual process to liberate people like that, so that every human being can blossom in their own way. It need not be my way, or your way, they can blossom in their own way, as long as they are inclusive, as life is. Life is inclusive. Inclusiveness is not an ideology, inclusiveness is not some kind of philosophy – inclusiveness is a way of life. The existence is happening out of its inclusiveness, not out of exclusiveness. Not a single atom can exist here exclusively. But the whole world is, at least the commercial forces on the planet, constantly telling you ‘you are exclusive,’ isn’t it? And, once we breed this exclusiveness, bullying is natural. Bullying is not just because somebody is evil. Once exclusiveness is bred, bullying is natural. Inclusiveness is the only answer; not in terms of ‘I love you, you love me,’ just clearly seeing that life is an inclusive process. Experientially seeing it’s all inclusive, there is no other way to be.”
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