We often take our bodies for granted until we become sick. Apart from the physical discomfort endured when we become ill, we also experience crankiness, fatigue, and frustration. What we could normally do is not only diminished but is also replaced by discomfort and pain. But what if we could turn all of that around by a method that not only prevents poor health but creates blissfulness as well?
Practicing Inner Engineering, which includes the transmission of Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya, has been proven to promote health among its many benefits. Scientific studies conducted by various prominent researchers have indicated the many benefits of this powerful practice.
Sadhguru explains: “As there is a science and technology to create external well-being, there is a whole dimension of science and technology for inner well-being.”
Inner Engineering is being offered in Toronto November 1oth and Dallas November 23rd. Click here for more details.