The start of spring brings a myriad of new life – nesting birds, trees budding into green, and of course, flowers blooming. In cultures around the world, in every stage of li[...]
Have you ever visited an art museum and just sat in front of a painting, mesmerized? No words or thoughts invaded your space. No critique or analysis of the artwork, just being the[...]
The Covid-19 virus is still affecting countries and territories worldwide. It has been with us for over a year, and the pandemic is still not under control. The various vaccines ha[...]
In this blog, Sadhguru speaks about transforming your energy and your experience of life. It doesn’t matter how much people preach ‘don’t get angry’, when certain situations arise[...]
“As there is a science and technology to create external well-being, there is a whole dimension of science and technology for inner well-being.” —Sadhguru According to a 2022 poll [...]
Social media continues in this day and age to manifest in various ways: from the simple blog to Facebook or Twitter, and now the vlog. A vlog is a way of blogging in video. Hence t[...]
What is karma? Most people understand karma as a balance sheet of good and bad deeds, virtuous acts and sins; the mechanism that decrees that we cannot evade the consequences of ou[...]
If someone asked you to describe yourself, what would you say? Would you include in your answer your name, country of origin, your likes and dislikes, your career choice, and your [...]
We have so many different kinds of relationships in our lives. How we understand these relationships and how we define what love is, have a lot to do with how successfully these re[...]