Meditation is a powerful tool for spiritual growth. Scientific studies have also examined many physiological and psychological benefits of meditation. Meditation Quotes “Meditatio[...]
Are you doing meditation to become healthy and peaceful? Sadhguru explains how the physical and mental benefits of meditation are just the side-effects. Nurturing meditation over a[...]
When a person feels stuck in life or encounters more than they feel they can handle, they begin to examine what is happening to them and to those around them. Usually, many questio[...]
Falling in love can be easy but staying in a relationship can be hard. Despite what the fairytales and movies propound, love relationships are often not smooth sailing. Each person[...]
In today’s society, it is difficult to slow down and enjoy life. Joy happens briefly, on rare occasions, and seems to dissipate very quickly. We often feel overwhelmed. There are s[...]
Most people associate yoga with physical postures. Often these physical postures are depicted by showing a person in a twisted pose that may seem difficult or prohibitive for the l[...]
Educational systems throughout the world have undergone periodic reforms as educators attempt to foster student academic achievement. Yet, with all the current educational research[...]
Sadhguru answers a question on how long it takes to get enlightened and speaks about how it is not a question of time but a question of intensity. How Do You Define Enlightenment? [...]
Do you ever wonder how your mind spills out thoughts that seem random and senseless? These thoughts may even lead you on a downward spiral. They are not based on reality, but they [...]