“Planning began just a few days ago and it’s Tuesday! We expect 200 children and 3 television news cameras to record the response. This is much bigger than I anticipated!” one of [...]
She took out her iPad and researched what she should take on her journey to Spain. She considered the weather, the areas she would visit, and the number of items that her suitcases[...]
“Wish Tree” interactive sculpture by Yoko Ono at MoMA. Image Credit Your mind can be a very powerful tool for creating the life that you want. No matter what goals you [...]
Sadhguru explains how hatha yoga, is one doorway to liberation, offering the possibility to transcend compulsiveness and move towards consciousness. “Consciousness is non-physical.[...]
Have you ever been told that you are behaving a certain way and been shocked by the other person’s viewpoint? You just can’t believe that their perception of you is real. So often [...]
From the moment that a child is born, society begins to suggest what is right and what is wrong for the baby. Feeding and sleeping schedules are recommended along with many other a[...]
Did you know that the game of golf is as old as 1497? Its origin was a game played on the eastern coast of Scotland during the 15th century. At that time, players used sticks to hi[...]
Over 1800 people, on October 6, 2016, gathered in the Queen Elizabeth Theatre to see and hear Sadhguru. The Queen Elizabeth Theatre is a performing arts venue in downtown Vancouver[...]
Most of the time, when most of us refer to our ‘lives’, what we are actually referring to is simply our lifestyles – or our arrangements for living. One’s life, on the contrary, i[...]