Have you had the chance to see the world through travel? Have you seen the world through the eyes of a child or the brush strokes of a great artist? Many people value opportunities to explore the nature of life through changing their perspectives or seeing the same things through another person’s eyes. But what would it mean to truly perceive the world in an unfiltered way? Is that even possible? Sadhguru says, “You must understand this one thing. You have not seen the world, you have only seen the way it’s reflected in the mirror of your mind.” He expands further.

Mirror Mind

“Compared to other creatures, a human being has a better mirror but it can get distorted by identifications and prejudices. If you work upon it, it could show everything as it is. But still, a mirror just reflects. Similarly, your mind just reflects what the five sense organs are grasping right now. It reflects everything except you.”

“You are always behind the mirror. You can never face the mirror. You are the mirror so you never experience the world the way it is nor do you ever experience who is behind the mirror. Your entire life goes by just seeing images that come in the mirror but which don’t leave a trace on it.”

“This is the reason why over 80 percent of people, at the moment of death, are bewildered. Suddenly, they realize they never lived.” So how to fix this? Sadhguru explains. 

Master Mind

“Either you must see creation as it is or, you must experience the one behind the mirror. If both these things don’t happen and all you watched was the reflections on the mind, this is not life. The passing activity of the mind and the body is the only satisfaction most people have because they do not know the bliss of their being. We want to keep the mirror but we want to find a way to slip behind it.”

The Triangle Technique 

“The simplest and most stable geometric form is a triangle. Close your eyes and stand facing whichever way you want. Look at this thing not as a human being but just as geometry. Start seeing how many triangles you can break it into? All chakras are triangles. See this body and fill every millimeter with a triangle. It will need much attention to be able to break this into millions of triangles. If you break it down like this you will have a vivid imagination. Then, when you imagine something, it becomes as real as real.”

“If you start this, if you at least understand the process, you can do it anywhere. Anything you see, you can geometrically break it down into a million pieces and put it back. If you exercise your mind like this it’ll become in such a way that you can make it do what you want. This is not about having. This is towards being. This is to have mastery over the mind so that it will allow you to go behind the mirror so that you don’t spend your entire life just looking at the reflections on the mirror of your mind. You can begin to taste life for what it is.” 

The impact

“This is just to give you access to something more than your mind. In your life right now it’s all thought and emotion. These are just images on the mirror. They have no significance, no depth. Life is going. Seeing the reflections of life is not a good way to spend life.”

“This is something that you do within yourself so that you are able to slip behind the mind. You’ll have enough mastery over the thing if you focus. It’ll open up holes and one can go well. You’ll become so fine you pass through the mind. Even the mind doesn’t notice you pass through. To keep it so subtle, it needs lots of work. I don’t know how much your life is worth? Pay that much attention. If you think it’s worth one minute, then spend one minute. If you think it’s one hour; one hour. If you think it’s worth 24 hours; 24 hours.”

“Whenever you see one who is only watching the reflections of his mind nothing will change. Endless cycles will go on but nothing will change because nothing changes in the mirror. If we know who is behind the mirror then we can change everything. Then we can even make the mirror turn around and turn inward completely.”

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POSTED IN:Yoga and Meditation

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