With the necessary Attention and Intensity, every door in the Universe will open to you. ~ Sadhguru
The Under 25 Summit recently hosted Indian actor Siddhant Chaturvedi for a conversation with Sadhguru. In this candid and wide-ranging discussion, Sadhguru shares his wisdom on the issues disconcerting the youth today such as the purpose of life, love, relationships, breakups, and more, and breaks down the challenges with his characteristic pragmatic wit and wisdom.
Early in the video, Siddhant asks Sadhguru about the challenges he faced at the age of 25 and whether he was aware of his purpose of life.
To this, Sadhguru replied: “Well… when you’re 25 why any damn thing is a challenge, I don’t understand. When you become 85, it’s a challenge. To get-up from your bed, it could be a challenge. 25 – what is a challenge? I did not know what’s a challenge. And I did not want to become any of those things that you said, doctor, engineer, accountant, this one, that one, I did not want to become any of those things. So, I had no concerns.”
“So, you know, my father being academically very competent, and being a physician, he always worried, “You’re not educating yourself for anything in particular. What will you do?” I said, “See, if I educate myself for something particular, I’ll have to do that particular thing. If I don’t educate myself for anything particular, I can do whatever I wish.” And that’s how I’m living even today, doing whatever is needed around me – I just do it! You don’t need qualifications, you just have to have a learning mind, that you don’t stop looking at things with wonder, you don’t stop looking at things with the necessary attention.”
Sadhguru further added, “The big problem with education is, right from kindergarten they gave you marks, they gave you rewards for your memory; nobody gave you any reward for your attention. Memory will allow you to survive, it made you look smart in a classroom, but out… outside in the world, you may be nothing. In a classroom you looked smart because you remembered the damn textbook. I never read it, so I did not remember it, because human attention is the most valuable thing. Human attention is capable of opening up any door in the universe, but your attention has to be keen enough. Whether tomorrow you take up a job, or you start a business, or whichever way you want to conduct your life, I don’t think everybody has to do those things, but the important thing is, you as a life should become full-fledged – that is the most important thing. Because this is all the aspiration of every life.”
Sadhguru continued: “People think if they have a job, if they have a steady salary, and maybe a partner, or children, or home, or car, they think they’re having a wonderful life. But just look at their faces; they’re driving their dream car, and they’re stuck in the traffic – are they laughing in joy? Are they exuding bliss that, “In my dream car, I’m sitting, and the traffic is giving me more time to sit in my dream car?” They are just abusing themselves, and everybody else, and the Creator.”
During this conversation, Sadhguru also talked about launching another global movement called Conscious Planet, which is an effort to raise human consciousness, bring a sense of inclusiveness, and align human activity to be supportive of nature and all life on our planet. He also discussed the role of mental health in that initiative and shared that a number of emerging studies provide strong support for the positive impact of Inner Engineering practices on overall mental well-being.
Sadhguru: “So, you know, like, now there’s a lot of scientists, some top scientists from the Harvard Medical School, have been along with the Rutgers University, Florida University, Indiana University, they’ve been studying the Inner Engineering practices, what it does, in the last 4 years. What they found – one of the things I’ll tell you, it’s an elaborate study. This is the most unbiased gene expression study that’s happened in the world till now about these aspects. What they found was that with just about 40 days to 6 weeks of practice, most people are generating over 70% higher endocannabinoids within themselves. And it lasts – up to 2 years they’ve been studied, and for 2 years they’re generating endocannabinoids.”
“We will be publishing this in a big way in the coming year, because we are starting a global movement called Conscious Planet, where mental health is one of the biggest issues. This can be addressed from within; if you generate enough endocannabinoids, you will naturally not be depressed, you will naturally not be anxious, you will be fine. So, this Israeli scientist said this, who gave this name to one of the important endocannabinoids is Anandamide. He said entire body has cannabis receptors. This is not here for you to go looking for a plant, this is here because your system is capable of generating this. This is the most complex chemistry on the planet. If you manage it well, you will create the chemistry that you want. If you are a good manager of this chemical factory, you will be blissed out.”