In today’s age, many couples are looking to enjoy intimate time with each other without the added burden or responsibility that a formal commitment like marriage brings. While this sounds like it gives a lot of freedom to couples to change directions or partners if something is not working, it is not clear if that is truly the case. Very often things start out on a fun note, and usually there are many moments filled with charm, spice and romance. Sometimes things take a downturn even when a small crisis is encountered, and couples tend to give up on each other without striving to work things out.

We can guess that in a live-in relationship the stakes are lower than in the case of a marriage as not everyone including families and friends of the couple are necessarily as invested or involved. We could imagine how it would be a lot harder to break up a marriage over a trivial fight when many people including friends and family are involved. There is more incentive for married couples to try to ride out ordinary relationship low points by leaning on other people in the extended circle, accept the cyclical nature of life and cherish the good moments more.  

The more fundamental question that live-in relationships bring is are we really looking for freedom or more emotional security through a partner? Are we trying to forge a bond to meet a real deep need within ourselves or just trying to dip our feet in the ocean for as long as it remains easy and pleasurable? Also will we be genuinely willing, if necessary, to reflect deeply on our own likes and dislikes and how far we are willing to go to make changes within ourselves to meet another person mid-way?

Listen to Sadhguru distinguish between live-in relationships and marriage with his unique humor and clarity. It helps us orient ourselves on the real reason we get into relationships and what truly matters to us at the heart of it.

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POSTED IN:Yoga and Meditation

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