Many people wish they could go back and change something that happened in their past. Mistakes bring feelings of regret and a longing to do things differently. Many books, movies and television shows have been created based on the idea of going back in time to change an important event. But unfortunately, the past is written and we are bound to remain in the present. Or are we?
There are stories of great Yogis and other realized beings moving through time or crossing great distances in a moment. Yet, common sense would say these feats are impossible. Most believe any talk of time travel is illogical and unscientific. But on the contrary, there are many great philosophers who felt that categories such as space and time are creations of the human mind and cannot be said to be fundamental. Furthermore, it is a well accepted fact in modern physics that anything moving faster than the speed of light would travel backwards in time. So, could it really be possible to travel back in time, or is this idea just science fiction?
Hear Sadhguru share his unique insights on the yogic understanding of time travel. By touching the deepest core of stillness and truly experiencing everything as happening right now, all boundaries can be transcended, including those that may seem illogical or impossible to move beyond.