In this video, Sadhguru answers an age-old question on relationships: Is there really such a thing as ‘The One’?
Is there a dedicated soulmate out there for each person?
Answering this, Sadhguru looks at the aspects of a human being which strive for companionship, and explores the connection between relationships and needs.
He inspires us to flip the question of looking for the right person, and instead do everything we can to ensure that we ourselves are the ‘right’ person.
Ultimately, whatever we put our hearts into will be successful, and this applies to relationships as well as anything we do in life. It all comes down to involvement.
In addition, Sadhguru explains how understanding ourselves deeply leads to an understanding of the highs and lows of others, and enables us to enjoy the difference that our partners present us with.
Makusan November 9, 2021 at 10:09 pmnamaskaram Sadhaguru, Years of self introspection, has brought me to the following awareness. It is an unfortunate by product of our industrialized culture. External inanimate objects hold more importance than our relationships in life. Having the newest status vehicle, or name brand clothes, or electronic device supersede spending time with our partner or learning new communication skills...very sad. We have significantly made major advancements in the area of technology, including fifty thousand ways to blow this planet up, and yet there has been in my observation little to no advancement in human development. Oh I'm not saying that there are not individuals who have done the internal work to expand their conscientiousness, just as a human culture we have not really progressed much passed our knuckle dragging ancestors. Especially in the culture of men. I sometimes wonder what it would be like to belong to a culture where ones focus and time is no longer the acquisition of property or wealth. What would our relationships look like then? What possibilities might come to light in that kind of environment? It is clear, as 50% of marriages fail. But the source of the failure is not financial in nature nor is it a power issue. It is a function of the lack of development and skills of the two individuals participating. People are engaging in this form of relating without a clue as to how to operate. This is a formula for failure. Just because you can get married doesn't mean you should. And, NOT everyone is cut out for that life long journey. The following quote is succinct and to the point. "The number of people who a monogamous relationship makes sense for, is equal to the number of people who should attempt to climb Mt. Everest."