It is often difficult to look closely at ourselves and see how our actions can create the very unpleasant situations that we find ourselves facing. It is always easier to believe that someone or some “higher being” has had a hand in directing our lives.

This way of thinking shifts the blame away from ourselves and often leads us astray, leaving us feeling helpless to change things for the better. What, then, is the truth? Do we have more control of our lives than is suggested by popular beliefs?

George Hammond, chairman of the Commonwealth Club of California, America’s oldest public forum, interviews Sadhguru for their weekly radio program. He asks Sadhguru about the widespread misunderstandings regarding karma. Sadhguru offers his insight into why people believe that divine beings “keep a ledger” of good and bad karma. And he tells us how we can take control of our own destiny.

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POSTED IN:Yoga and Meditation

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