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How to Stop Living in Yesterday

It once happened, certain people went to New York City, got into a taxi, and the taxi driver was driving to a certain destination. Being an Indian who’s just landed in America, he wants to talk to everybody. Well, we’re Indians. So taxi driver, he started talking, talking, and then taxi driver also opened up. Then when the destination came nearby, he wanted him to stop so he put his hand in that small opening and touched him on the shoulder.

“I want to stop here.”

The taxi driver jumped out of his skin, and lost control of the car, and went and hit a tree, and went up the tree and stopped like this. He had a bleeding nose, and he said, “what did I do? Why did you just jump like this? I just wanted you to stop.”

He said, “You don’t understand, last 32 years, I’ve been driving a hearse. Never ever, my customers ever, did this.”

That is, he’s been working for an undertaker, so his customers are always dead, and today when the customer touches him on the shoulder, he lost it, and most human beings are living like this. They’re jumpy about everything. They’re jumpy about everything, because they’re living with the dead. If you live with yesterday, you are living with the dead. Please understand. Look at this carefully. Everything that you are, your personality is crafted from that which is dead. Your eyes are colored from that which is dead, from what happened yesterday, you look at everybody. So, you are living with the dead. In case something alive happens, you will be jumpy, you will jump out of your skin.

You will see when we initiate people, something comes alive little bit, people are jumpy, “What’s happening?” You’re coming alive. You’ve been dead a long time. This is called raising the dead.

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