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How to Manage Your Diet

From the system that’s what you should eat. Do you know that some of the top level athletes have shifted to vegetarian diet these days? Yes, because the flexibility of the muscle will be last with non-vegetarian food.

Non-vegetarian food is mainly consumed because you need protein. Vegetarian diets if it’s cooked to vegetarian means, generally the protein level is low. That’s one big mistake that’s happening in India is too much cooked vegetarian food. Protein levels are low. You need only … 3% of your body’s actually protein.

Almost every vegetable, every fruit, if it’s eaten in it’s raw condition has a necessary protein that your body wants but when you cook it, it’s not enough. With non-vegetarian food, the protein content is too high. If you consume too much of protein, it causes cancer. Western countries have far more, larger incidents of cancer than in the Eastern countries. One main reason is excessive protein through non-vegetarian food.

Somebody’s doing better not just because of the non-vegetarian food. Our overall sense of building has been within the society. The gender living conditions have enhanced. How many of our Indian children have even enough to play? Tell me. They’re living in one room, two room apartments. Isn’t it? How can this child grow well and live for a long time? It won’t happen. For example, if you leave the major, major cities in America, if you go to any medium size towns or villages, any simple house like, let us say, a middle class house and not just middle class, lower-middle class house means minimum total play acres of land will be there for each house. Every house has a slide, has a swing, has a basketball court. Children, they can learn, they can climb, they can jump, and they can do things which is not there today. It’s completely taken away. Isn’t it here? When children play and be that active, then naturally it will grow well. The whole system is in a better condition. It’s not just the food in many, many conditions which are not that here and the attitude also.

In India, most parents are not physically active. It’s quite normal for people to believe that the human shape is like this. Human shape is not like this. Human shape is like this. It’s quite normal. More than 50-60% of the people are in a different shape than what human beings should be. Isn’t it? When you’re in that kind of condition, your physical activity levels will be very low. Naturally, the body will not last long enough.

How many men and women in India swim or play or run or do anything or climb or mountain or cycle? Nothing, isn’t it? It’s not that. Very few people are playing a game or going swimming or rocking. Very, very, few people.

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