As we enter the second month of 2023, the celebratory spirit that often arises around the turning of the new year may be fading for many. The new year brings a feeling of possibility and excitement, and this time is rightly celebrated, but this feeling does not always last. Is it possible to maintain that excitement and bring it into each day of the new year? How can we make every day into a celebration?
While it may be impractical to have a full on celebration every day, keeping a celebratory spirit alive within oneself can make life much more joyous and full of ease. But is it possible to feel celebratory when it is not a holiday and we are not outwardly celebrating anything? Is it possible to feel celebratory at work, with family, or while doing routine chores?
Read on to hear Sadhguru’s insights into how we can not only make every day a celebration, but use every day as an opportunity to grow and move towards well being. As human beings, we each have a unique freedom to consciously choose how we engage with life. If we engage this freedom sensibly, every day can be a celebration and wonderful possibility.
Why Don’t We Celebrate Every Day?
Sadhguru says, “everybody should ask this question to themselves: why is it that you were not celebrating these 364 days, only one day you’re trying to celebrate? I’m not trying to say you never were happy, you never were joyful this year, but I’m saying it’s extremely important, because the nature of life is, it is rolling away, that’s what a new year means. That is, it is not stopping for you. Whether you are locked up in the house, or you are locked up in the office, or you were in the gutter, it doesn’t matter, time is rolling away. Time is rolling away means life is rolling away. So, when this is the nature of life, that time is a ceaseless mill going on, there is a different way to approach time. The most important thing is that a human being has to learn to be… still.”
The Highest Privilege
Sadhguru says, “the only undefined life on this planet is the human being. And this is what a whole lot of human beings are suffering. They would like a definition – this is why they attach themselves to a philosophy, an ideology, a religion, a belief system, because they are trying to put themselves into a definition. But the greatest beauty of being human is, this life is not defined. It is not defined means it’s free, that’s what it means! But freedom is a scary thing. You would like to be among the 4 walls because freedom looks like… scary. But that’s what you always try for, unknowingly. When it comes, you are afraid. This is something to be addressed.”
“This coming year I hope every one of you will address this fundamental aspect: are you living to be free, to be liberated, or are you living just to establish more and more bondage in your life? So, at a time like this, or at any time for that matter, an intelligent human being will make use of every situation for his or her growth. A fool will make every situation turn against themselves and cause pain to themselves and to everybody around them.”
“This is all there is to life: is your brains working for life, or against life? So, if you lived a year full of foolishness, and suddenly tomorrow morning with resolution you will come awake, no. One has to strive. But at the same time, a human being can make up their mind you’re going this way. You can make up your mind, turn around, and go this way. You have the ability to do this. I’m telling you, you are the only one who has the ability to do it upon this planet as a human being, all other creatures are ruled by pre-existing definitions within themselves, they can only do that which they are programmed for. This is the only one which is largely unprogrammed, so you can make up your mind. You can make a conscious decision as to how I will be. This is not a small privilege. This is the highest privilege and freedom that has been entrusted to life upon this planet.”