Children as well as many adults love stories, especially stories that end with their characters living happily ever after. Who doesn’t want to vicariously live a joyful and fulfilled life? However many of these children’s stories depict the characters as being happy because they found the best spouse, have the best home, friends, job, or vehicle. In reality, life is not like this for most of the world. Tragic events seep into everyone’s life at one time or another and many, if not most desires remain unfulfilled.
You may wake up in the morning feeling joyful and ready to start the day. You head out to the store. Someone cuts you off in their car and there goes your joyfulness. Because of the event in that instant, you become angry. The store’s checkout line is very long. Someone in the front of the line can’t find their wallet and it’s delaying everyone else. People are complaining and you jump on that bandwagon. Where is that joy you felt upon awakening this morning? Soon you will label your day as one more “bad day”.
Outside events need not be a deterrent to being blissful within. Sadhguru explains how to live happily, no matter what life throws your way.