What are the first thoughts as soon as you wake up? Is it the list of things you are planning to do that day? Do you stress out after reading a text or two sent to you while you were asleep? Do you feel hesitant about getting out bed and start your day? 

How do you attempt to find your balance while engrossed in the mist of your daily life? Dealing with family and friends, trying to earn a living, or seeking a career can result in being pulled in various directions. Sometimes it is difficult to manage it all as our internal self and external self become engulfed in a battle. How, then, can we find our balance? 

A seeker asks Sadhguru how to find balance between everyday life and pursuing self- development. Sadhguru replies that everything you do in your life should be towards enhancing your own nature.

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POSTED IN:Yoga and Meditation

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