She often tossed and turned at night. She would sleep for two hours, wake up for 10-15 minutes, then repeat this cycle until the alarm rudely buzzed, reminding her that it was time to get ready for work.

According to Consumer Reports: Today, the problem of too little sleep, and the quest for more of it, is as acute as ever: 27 percent of people in a new Consumer Reports survey of 4,023 U.S. adults said they had trouble falling asleep or staying asleep most nights, and 68 percent—or an estimated 164 million Americans—struggled with sleep at least once a week. Is there a way to get a better night’s sleep and feel energetic upon waking?

The way we sleep can sometimes cause psychological and physiological problems over a period of time. Sadhguru shares a few simple things that we can do to eliminate such problems.

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POSTED IN:Yoga and Meditation

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