Grab and go. Those three words describe most people’s eating habits. How often have you opted for a quick meal? Perhaps you are just too busy or just too tired to prepare a meal ‘from scratch’. Does that quick meal-prep scenario spill over into how quickly you eat the meal? Do you watch your iPad, mobile phone, or other device as you eat? Do you work while you eat to meet a deadline demanded by your job?

Rarely do people sit quietly and just eat a meal. Most people tend to chew and finish their meal within ten minutes, barely tasting and hardly ever enjoying each bite. Sometimes conversations, heated and otherwise, take over the dinner table, making it more difficult to savor each ingested morsel. Does the way we eat affect our energy potential?

Sadhguru gives a simple and effective tip: to stay alert throughout the day, create the right condition in the body, become meditative, and keep the doctor away for life, eat 24 morsels of food at a time and chew each morsel 24 times.

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POSTED IN:Yoga and Meditation

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