Throughout history, people have had an enduring fascination with the movements of the celestial bodies. Lunar and solar notations can be found on cave walls and on carved bones. Stone rings, chambered mounds, and various arrangements of standing stones were used by Megalithic astronomers of the fifth to the third millennium BCE to observe the horizon movements of the sun, moon, and stars. Records show that the Chinese, Babylonians, and Mayans documented precise observations of the five visible planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.
Today, astronomers continue to observe and record the movement of the heavenly bodies, and debates abound as to whether their cycles affect human and other life on Mother Earth. Some research in this field has demonstrated that the metabolic processes in living organisms are related to astronomical periodicities. Other researchers also believe that the type and intensity of human emotions are equally affected. For centuries, rituals have been and continue to be performed on certain days that correspond to what are believed to be favorable cosmic activities. How much are we really influenced by celestial cycles, and can we use this for our spiritual evolution?
Sadhguru looks at how the human system can be influenced by the solar and lunar cycles. He explains that when a person lives through 1008 lunar cycles, an individual’s bond with the planet is largely broken, making it possible, with very little assistance, to go beyond the cycles of birth and death.