“People have fallen in love with words and lost the world. It’s time to regain it.” – Sadhguru
If you were given a choice to have a lot of really great ideas about life or to have a deep, profound experience of life, what would you choose? For many of us, the answer may be clear: we want to know. We want to understand. But how do we get to that knowing, to that deep understanding? The obvious, default answer for many people these days would be “thinking.” Let’s think about it. Let’s try to explain it. But do these strategies work? Have all of your thoughts and beliefs always turned out to be true? Have you ever thought and thought and arrived at a conclusion, only to later find out you were wrong?
At a certain point, it might be important to ask whether the process we’re undertaking — the process of “thinking about things” and “figuring things out” — if maybe that process itself might not be the right way to arrive at a fundamentally sound understanding of the nature of creation. For instance, of all of the vastly different ideas and philosophies people have thought up throughout history and across all human cultures, which ideas and philosophies are, without a doubt, 100% absolutely correct and beyond dispute among all humans? By contrast, what would happen if we were to just admit we don’t know?
In other words, what does it really mean to be deeply in touch with reality, and how can we get there?
Sadhguru: “All the miserable people in the world think there is something wrong with the creation. All the miserable people in the world think Creator has made a mistake. To explain this mistake, or to explain themselves into that mistake, they have all kinds of philosophies. All the philosophies on the planet, if you put them together – all of them together – do not have the beauty of a single leaf in this tree. But still, it occupies people for a lifetime because it gives them the kind of explanations that they like to hear.”
He continues: “People have fallen in love with words, and lost the world. It’s time to regain it. If you… if you stand on the summit of the garbage heap of one’s mind, your feet will never touch the ground. If your feet never touch the ground, you will never know what this is. It is for this reason that in this culture wherever you see, people go all out down, they want their whole body to touch the ground, not just the feet. Most part of their life, or most part of the day, the very culture was designed in such a way that you walk barefoot – unless you’re going on rough terrain – because we want you to be in touch with the earth.”
“As this little bit of grass has shot out of the earth, you also just like that – little mobile – otherwise, right now as you sit here, you are just a mound of earth – that’s all you are; you may believe yourself to be something, but that’s all you are. And that’s not small. If you believe yourself to be something other than that, you’re small; otherwise, you’re the planet itself, you’re the creation itself. So, you’re just a bump on the planet, and don’t think that’s small. Velliangiri Mountains also small bump on the planet, Himalayas also small bump on the planet, you too. It’s in being in touch with reality in every possible way that one will know, not by thinking up nonsense which may pass in a tea party; existentially, it will not pass. It may pass with a bunch of fools that you’ve gathered around you, in the form of society, it will not pass in the eyes of the Creator. If you do not pass in the eyes of the Creator, all the other distinctions that you may attain are just empty stuff, it will not stand by you. When the time to shed this coil, when the time to put earth back into earth comes, it will not stand by you, for sure.”
Attend a free webinar “Introduction to Hatha Yoga” to learn more about its deep understanding of the mechanics of the body, and uses yogic postures, or yogasanas, to enable the system to sustain higher dimensions of energy. Visit www.innerengineering.com/freeyoga