Have you ever done something that you regretted? Have you ever been faced with a situation where you wish you could rewind the events? Maybe it was a few words spoken in anger? Or maybe you were the target of loud and harmful words that pierced your being like arrows? Sometimes, it seems like forgiveness is the only recourse. Forgiveness can mean the release of resentment or anger. It can be challenging, especially when the offending party does not offer an apology, is still an active participant in your life, or is yourself.

Forgiving someone does not necessarily mean returning to the same relationship or even the acceptance of someone’s abusive or harmful behavior. It can be important to the mental health of the victim since it can help them move forward. Therapists often indicate that forgiving someone can help with stress, anxiety, and the depression that is often associated with a traumatic event. But Sadhguru adds a totally different viewpoint and gives us the tools necessary to deal with what we perceive as forgiveness.

Raai Laxmi asks Sadhguru how to forgive someone and shares how hard it is to actually do this. The highly engaging discussion finally leads into how one actually becomes spiritual.


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POSTED IN:Relationships, Videos

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