
So much talk of love is about “falling in love” which, in one way, implies that we stumble into love.  But is that true? Is something as important in our lives as love, something sought after by seemingly everyone, is it actually happening by chance?

Is love “supposed” to happen by chance?  The fairy tales seem to talk of love that way, one look and the Prince falls madly in love with the Scullery Maid even though her clothes are in tatters and her hair is a mess.  Is love somehow better when it happens that way?

What about making love happen?  Can we force love into our lives?

These deep yearnings that we all experience and are looking to fulfill – yearnings for love, happiness, peace, success and joy – are they supposed to happen in our lives by chance. Are they somehow “better” if they happen by chance?  Can, and should, we make love happen?

Sadhguru explains that love is like a flower, making love happen is like cultivating your garden, you can create the right conditions for love to blossom.

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POSTED IN:Relationships

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