Have you ever regretted speaking harsh words as your emotional state engulfed all reasoning and acknowledgement of the person on the receiving end? Or maybe you thought about calling a friend you haven’t seen in a while, but other things came up and it never happened.
It is easy to get absorbed in the trivialities of daily life. We might plan and act as if we have an eternity of opportunities, believing that tomorrow is around the corner. How many times have you heard or said: “It’s OK, I will fix it later.” “Tomorrow, I will do better.” “Tomorrow, I will start….”
Sometimes we are unaware of the missed opportunities in our lives, whether small or large. Other times the choices we face are numerous, and we have trouble deciding. So what can we do to change our lives for the better?
Sadhguru offers us a simple thing that we can do every day that will help us live blissfully and consciously.